Sunday, October 18, 2009

rock climbing

so being in a 'peace corps refugee camp' with 100 other stressed-out PCVs is not the easiest situation in the world. last night was particularly rough. but today a small group of us went rockclimbing in what i would want to call the mountains, but the ground was all sand. i wasn't paying attention in 7th grade geography when we learned differnt environments- maybe its savannah with redrock?

anyways just hanging outside in the shade, eating peanuts still attached to the roots and climbing seemed to just take away an enormous amount of stress. which made me realize that whatever "Plan B" i decide will have to have mountains.

so that means that i am not moving to the desert in Niger.

options are finally narrowing down, thanks be to God.


  1. I was thinking and praying for you this morning girl! They were reporting on Guinea on WTOP, right AFTER they reported on possibly arresting the balloon hoax parents. Isn't it so good to know that Americans have their priorities straight?

  2. Just in case there is a Plan C, I must say that there are beautiful mountains in the Czech Republic, too. Not with sand, really, but you would love them. It's just an invitation for "better times", you'll always be welcome here. Be strong! Love always! H.
